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Human Rights in Childbirth

The Malta Doula Association supports the fact that all childbearing people have human rights that apply to their pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. 

Every pregnant and birthing person has a right to:

  • safe and appropriate maternity care that respects her dignity;

  • privacy and confidentiality;

  • make choices about her own pregnancy and childbirth;

  • equality and freedom from discrimination.

source: Birthrights.

Scroll down for further resources.

Young Mother Expecting

Important Resources

The Malta Doula Association finds it important that expectant mothers, their partners and families, as well as their health care providers are informed about Human Rights in Childbirth, and take them in consideration at all times.

Below you can read important resources that can help you understand your Human Rights in Childbirth: 

We value the importance of respectful maternity care -- as merely 'surviving' childbirth is not enough. 

Mother with her Child

Help us make maternity care safe, healthy and satisfactory for new families by spreading the word about Human Rights in Childbirth.

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