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Postnatal recovery - do it smartly

When it comes to postnatal recovery I usually meet three types of mums. With four births I have been all three of them… Please forgive me for the generalisation.

  1. The one who wants a flat belly. NOW.

  2. The one who feels miserable, lost and ashamed because she wets herself (which may be because of pelvic floor issues)

  3. The one who wants to feel better in her body but does not know where to start.

Let’s go through each of these situations.

When a Mum wants her flat belly back, we usually talk about the separation of the abdominal muscles, often referred to as diastasis/diastasis recti.

It takes 9 months for our body to change and to develop another fully functioning human being. During this time, the baby needs and makes space in our bodies. The abdominal muscles are flexible and can easily adapt to this change. But the tissue between the abs, called the linea alba is not so much. Often it gets weaker, thinner or in some cases even tears. Very often it is not able to pull the abs back to their original places after the pregnancy and a gap will remain there. If this gap doesn’t close the muscles cannot fulfil their original functions - like keeping our organs safely in place. There will be much more pressure on the pelvic floor and on the lower back.

So it is not only an aesthetic issue. And unfortunately usually classic abdominal exercises like crunches, Russian twists… make the situation even worse.

I can help you with identifying if you have separation and teach you special exercises to close the gap. Also I will explain to you which movements you can do safely and which ones you should avoid.

Incontinence and pelvic floor issues are very common but not normal.

I know how lost I felt realising I have a prolapse after our 3rd baby. And I meet so many mums with similar issues, like

  • Losing control of the bladder in some situations, or in general, sometimes even without feeling it.

  • Air goes in the vagina with certain moves, and makes a funny noise when it leaves.

  • Lost sensation or not feeling tight during intercourse.

  • Strange feeling of pressure ‘down there’ or a bulge in the vagina.

  • After going to the toilet the feeling you have to go again, right away.

Mums who had c-section births usually think that their pelvic floor is safe, but unfortunately it is not so simple. When our abdominal muscles and the core in general is weak, the pressure on the pelvic floor is much greater. So even after a c-section or actually even without being pregnant women can develop pelvic floor disorders.

I can teach you special pelvic floor exercises that will make your pelvic floor muscles strong. Even stronger than ever. And you can prevent or improve any pelvic floor dysfunctions including prolapse.

Starting exercising safely in postpartum

And of course it is very common that a mum is a bit lost what she can do when it comes to start She may wonder how she can start exercising again after the birth. And she may ask herself how to can fit her previous workout schedule in her new busy life. She may even ask herself how she can fit anything in her life when the baby is there 24/7 requiring mummy’s attention.

My postnatal classes are short enough to manage with babies around, hard enough to get stronger. I only work with mums in small groups or privately to be able to give as much attention as needed.. You can come to a class in the morning, during the day or in the evening, also online. And with recorded classes you can practice anytime really. No excuses. :)

So what can you do?

First of all, respect your body. I always say postnatal recovery starts before birth.

PREPARE for the birth with yoga and exercise. Let birth happen in its own rhythm, and birth your baby in an upright position if possible. The position which is the most comfortable for you and you feel in control. Don't push, just breathe your baby out. I can help you with breathing techniques but I am pretty sure your doula can guide you, as well. If you need more practice or guidance you can come to my prenatal yoga classes or join The Wise Hippo hypnobirthing course and become a master of relaxation and breathing techniques.

You can save yourself from a lot of trouble if you REST, mostly in bed, in the first 6 weeks after the birth of your baby.

Look up where the word ‘quarantine’ originates from :)

Yes, this means resting for 40 days even if you feel fit. It basically means: enjoy your baby and let yourself be spoiled. You are a Superhero as you have just brought a baby earthside. Your body and soul went through a lot, so give yourself a little time.

If your family is not really helpful, organise what you need in advance. Maybe a cleaner a few times, a doula who can support you in any way you need, book a massage therapist who offers you support in your home.. You can prepare and freeze some food in advance or just order.

Some women say they cannot afford to rest time-wise or financially. But it is really and truly about priorities. Those mums who had some problems after the birth of their baby can do it very differently with the next one.

Start exercising in a gentle way. Remember it took 9 months…

Your core needs to get strong again, your body needs to find a new balance. So start with a little core activation and very gentle movements like 'cat and cow’ yoga exercises..

If you don’t know what core activation means please go to a professional, who has experience with postnatal recovery and can guide you properly. There are programs and apps online, but it is really worth it to invest in a private consultation or check up, so you have a better understanding of what you really need.

I very often find that pelvic floor issues and diastasis actually origins from bad posture. So I also use yoga and pilates elements to increase flexibility and safely improve core strength to correct the mums’ posture.

My top 3 tips to get back on track:

1. Keep your core safe Check and correct your posture often during the day. When you lift anything do it with a straight back.

2. Start with gentle classes

First go to classes which are gentle and the focus is on core activation like pilates or yoga classes. Best if you go to special postnatal recovery classes as a start.

3. Plan a schedule that is realistic There will be days when it’s even a challenge to take a shower. So you might feel overwhelmed and have no idea how you can do a workout. Even 5 - 10 minutes once or twice a day can have an effect, and you definitely feel better after a little exercising and stretching.

This blog post is written by Adrienn Urmos, a mum of four kids. She is a women’s health coach, and helps women with prenatal preparation, postnatal recovery and much more.

She is the founder of yorflo, where she works as aa fitness and yoga instructor, hypnobirthing teacher. She is trained in prenatal preparation, postnatal recovery and hormonal balance. (Fitness and 200hrs Yoga-, LoveYourBelly© -, Aviva Method©-, Dolphin Method© Pre- and Postnatal Vinyasa Yoga- and The Wise Hippo Hypnobirthing instructor).

If you are interested in more tips and or you’d like to read a bit more about postnatal recovery, please visit her site on And feel free to contact her over at or visit her website

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