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Quality of Work

The doula profession is rather new on Malta and Gozo. We want to state that we highly value a good and trustworthy collaboration with other professionals. We consider multidisciplinary practice very important to ensure the best of care to our clients.

High Quality Care
As professional doulas, we strive to offer high quality complimentary care for pregnant people, their partners and families. We offer information, and practical, physical, and emotional support during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

Informed Consent
We also encourage informed consent and freedom of choice for the pregnant mother, and we will support this thoroughly. The pregnant person has autonomy to choose her doula, and whom will support her during pregnancy and birth. The doula will fully support and respect their wishes and decisions around place of birth, wishes and support regarding medical care.

Continuous Support
A doula builds a relationship based on trust with her client, and at the moment of birth the mother/birthing person knows her doula will be there and they will be ensured that there is someone who knows, supports, and guards her wishes. During the birth, the mother knows the person she has chosen will provide her with continuous support.

Code of Ethics
A doula who is a member of the Malta Doula Association, acknowledged the Code of Ethics. This means that they will collaborate with other professionals as best as possible, and keep in mind this team of professional works in the benefit of supporting her pregnant and birthing client. A doula will deeply respect other professionals and their expertise. 

Often (but not always) a doula is not medically trained and recognizes the expertise of midwives, nurses and gynaecologists in their field.


Optimal Communication

A doula will voice the needs and wishes of her clients if she notices that other professionals are showing signs of not respecting the client's desired wishes for birth and early postpartum. 

***The Malta Doula Association follows the guidelines set up by the WHO in regards to COVID-19***

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Quality of Care

Doulas who are a member of the Malta Doula Association ensure the highest standards of care, respect and dignity towards their clients; respecting Human Rights in Childbirth of their client at all times.

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