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Scientific Resources



1. Klaus MH, Kennell JH, Klaus PH. “Longer-term benefits of doula support.” Chapter 6, in The Doula Book, 3rd Edition. Da Capo Press, A Division of Perseus Books Group, Boston, Mass. 2012. 

2. Hodnett ED. Pain and women's satisfaction with the experience of childbirth: a systematic review. Am J Obstet Gynecol 186 (5 Supplement): S160172, 2002. 


3. Sosa R, Kennell JH, Klaus MH, Robertson S, Urrutia J. “The effect of a supportive companion on perinatal problems, length of labor, and mother infant interaction," N Engl J Med, 303:597600, 1980. 


4. Klaus MH, Kennell JH, Robertson SS, Sosa R. “Effects of social support during parturition on maternal and infant morbidity,” Br Med J, 293:585587, 1986. 


5. Kennell JH, Klaus MH, McGrath SK, Robertson S, Hinkley C. “Continuous emotional support during labor in a US hospital: a randomized controlled trial,” JAMA 265:21972201, 1991. 


6. McGrath SK, Kennell JH. A randomized controlled trial of continuous labor support for middleclass couples: effect on cesarean delivery rates. Birth. 2008 Jun; 35(2):927.


7. Hodnett ED, Gates S, Hofmeyr GJ, Sakala C, Weston J. “Continuous support for women during childbirth.” Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Feb 16; (2):CD003766. 


8. Kelleher J. Position Paper: The Postpartum Doula's Role in Maternity Care. DONA Internationals, Denver, 2008. 


9. Ashford JI. George Engelmann and Primitive Birth. Janet Isaacs Ashford, Solana Beach, CA, 1988. 10. DONA International. Standards of Practice. DONA International, Aurora, CO, 2008. 


11. DONA International. Code of Ethics. DONA International, Aurora, CO, 2008.


12. Ballen LE, Fulcher AJ. “Nurses and doulas: Complementary roles to provide optimal maternity care.” JOGNN 35: 304311, 2006.


13. Gilliland AL. “After praise and encouragement: Emotional support strategies used by birth doulas in the USA and Canada.” Midwifery 27: 525531, 2011. 


14. Hodnett E, Lowe N, Hannah M, Willan A, Stevens B, Weston J et al. Effectiveness of nurses as providers of labor support in North American hospitals: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 288:147481, 2002. 


15. Childbirth Connection. “Best Evidence: Labor Support.” 2011. Retrieved on 3/17/2012 from




1. Kruckman, L. (1992). Rituals and support: An anthropological view of postpartum depression. In J. Hamilton and P. Harberger (Ed.), Postpartum Psychiatric Illness (pp. 137-148). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 


2. Stern, G. & Kruckman, L. (1983). Multidisciplinary perspectives on postpartum depression: An anthropological critique. Social Science and Medicine, 17(15), 1027-1041. 


3. Newman, J. & Pitman, T. (2000). The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers. Roseville, CA: Prima Publishing. 


4. Deshpande, A. & Gazmararian, J. (2000). Breastfeeding education and support: Association with the decision to breastfeed. Effective Clinical Practice, 3(3), 116-22. 


5. Morrow, A. L., Muerrero, M. L., Shults, J., CaIva, J. J., Lutter, C., Bravo, J., et al. (1999). Efficacy of home-based peer counseling to promote exclusive breastfeeding: A randomized controlled trial. Lancet, 353,1226-31. 6. Tarkka, M., Paunonen, M., & Laippala, P. (1998). What contributes to breastfeeding success after childbirth in a maternity ward in Finland? Birth, 25(3), 175-81. 


7. Mohrbacher, N. & Stock, J. (1997). The Breastfeeding Answer Book. Schaumburg, IL: La Leche League International. 8. Giugliani, E., Vogelhut, J., Witter, F., & Perman, J. (1994). Effect of breastfeeding support from different sources on mothers' decisions to breastfeed. Journal of Human Lactation, 10(3),151-161. 


9. Forman, R.D., et al. (1990). The forty-day rest period and infant feeding practices among Negev Bedouin Arab women in Israel. Medical Anthropology, 12(2), 207-16.


10. Raphael, D. (1973). Breastfeeding: The Tender Gift. NY: Schocken Books. 


11. Porteous, R. & Kaufman, K. (2000). The effect of individualized professional support on duration of breastfeeding: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Human Lactation, 16(4) 303-8.


12. Haider, R., Ashworth, A., Kabir, I., & Huttly, S. (2000). Effect of community-based peer counselors on exclusive breastfeeding practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A randomized controlled trial. Lancet, 356(9242), 1643-7. 


13. Terry, D. J., Mayochhi, L., & Hynes, G. J. (1996). Depressive symptomatology in new mothers: A stress and coping perspective. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105(2), 220-231. 


14. Klaus, M. H., Kennell, J. H., & Klaus, P. H. (2002). The Doula Book. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.


15. Cutrona, C. E., & Troutman, B. R. (1986). Social support, infant temperament and parenting self-efficacy: A mediational model of postpartum depression. Child Development, 57, 1057-1518. 


16. MacArthur, C., et al. (2002). Effects of redesigned community postnatal care on women's health 4 months after birth: A cluster randomized control study. Lancet, 359(9304), 378. 


17. Lavender, T. & Walkinshaw, S. (1998). Can midwives reduce postpartum psychological morbidity? A randomized trial. Birth, 25(4), 215-19. 


18. Locicero, A., Weiss, D., & lssokson, D. (1997). Postpartum depression: Proposal for prevention through an integrated care and support network. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 6, 169-78.


19. Small, R., Astbury, J., Brown, S., & Lumley, J. (1994). Depression after childbirth: Does social context matter: The Medical Journal of Australia 161, 473-6. 


20. McIntosh, J. (1993). Postpartum depression: Women's help-seeking behaviour and perceptions of cause. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18, 178-84.


21. Berchtold, N. & Burrough, M. (1990). Reaching out: Depression after delivery support group network. NAACOG, Clin. lssu. Perinat. Women's Health Nurs., 1(3),385-94. Position Paper: The Postpartum Doula's Role in Maternity Care.


22. Contact: Prevent Child Abuse America. U.S. parents want help with newborns: lack of experience and skill seen as reason for increased child abuse and neglect. Retrieved December 12, 01, from prevent Child Abuse America Website: 


23. Hagen, E. (1999). The functions of postpartum depression. Evolution and Human Behavior, 20, 325-359. 


24. Wilson, L., Reid, A., Midmer, D., Biringer, A., Carroll, J., &Stewart, D. (1996). Antenatal psychosocial risk factors associated with adverse postpartum family outcomes. CMAJ, 154(6), 785-99.


25. Ray, K., & Hodnett, E. (n.d.). Caregiver support for postpartum depression. Retrieved 2001from Cochrane Database Syst Rev.


26. Field, T. (2001). Touch. Cambridge, MA: Bradford.


27. Swain, A., O'Hara, M., Starr, K., & Gorman, L. (1997). A prospective study of sleep, mood, and cognitive function in postpartum and non-postpartum women. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3(3), 381-6.


28. Klaus, M. & Kennell, J. (1995). Bonding. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.


29. Montagu, A. (1986). Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin (3rd ed.). New York: Perennial Library. 


30. Field, T. (1990). Infancy: The Developing Child. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 31. Arora, S., McJunkin, C., Wehrer, J., & Kuhn, P. (2000). Major factors influencing breastfeeding rates: Mother's perception of father's attitude and milk supply. Pediatrics, 106(5), E67.


32. Misri, S., Kostaras, X., Fox, D., & Kostaras, D. (2000). The impact of partner support in the treatment of postpartum depression. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 45(6), 554-8.


33. Kleiman, K. (2000). The Postpartum Husband. USA: Xlibris.


34. Kleinman, K. (1994). This Isn't What I Expected. USA: Bantam.


35. Cronwett, L. (1985). Parental network structure and perceived support after birth of first child. Nursing Research, 34(6), 347-52.


36. O'Hara, M., Rehm, L., & Campbell, S. (1983). Postpartum depression: A role for social network and life stress variables. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 171(6), 336-41.

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